Alison Timmons: Ottawa Social Service Worker Betrays Elderly Woman

Dezrin Carby-Samuels, a poor elderly woman living in Ottawa, has become physically disabled due to abuse and neglect after her son, who had been her primary caregiver was barred from the home by a corrupt police force.

The son, named Raymond, was alerted to his mother’s condition after neighbours told him of his father’s behaviour and abuse. He then turned to the help of the Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre. Instead of helping poor Dezrin, they explicitly denied her access to a lawyer on their premise then lied about it in court. Luckily, Raymond had recorded this conversation and was able to produce this evidence against the community centre.

Raymond had to fight for months for the chance to see his mother. When they finally allowed him to meet with Dezrin the social worker in question, Ms. Timmons, forbade the presence of a lawyer on their premises and confirmed in the video footage taken by Raymond that it was due to the wishes of the community centre, not of Dezrin, that a lawyer not be present. [VIDEO BELOW]

Ms. Timmons and the community centre continued to violate Dezrin’s rights by ignoring and denying a hospital’s recommendation that Dezrin receive care and speech therapy for her disabled condition. This affront was also caught on tape.

After the meeting between Raymond and his mother was eventually carried out, Raymond was then banned by the community centre from any further contact with Dezrin. This was in spite of Dezrin’s request to see her son at least once a week. Raymond has now not been able to see Dezrin since June, 2015.

Some emails were later discovered which highlighted how it was in fact the crooked Ottawa police force who had forced the community centre to inhibit contact between Raymond and Dezrin. This police force has been shown to have been bought and bribed by Dezrin’s abusive husband, Horace Carby-Samuels.

Dezrin is being denied her basic human rights. She is being abused in her own home. She has been rendered physically disabled and has not been given the adequate care that she needs. The social services and police force are doing nothing to save her from her plight. She has been denied access to a lawyer and to her son despite having expressly requested her wish to regularly see him, all the while her suffering increases.

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